Andréa Cardoso Araujo
Andréa concluded her bachelor’s in biology at Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP), and a MSc and PhD in Ecology, also at UNICAMP, under the supervision of Dra. Marlies Sazima. During her master’s she studied the interactions between plants and hummingbirds in the Atlantic Forest from southeastern Brazil. She has also spent two years in Amazonia, working at the BDFF Program (INPA-Smithsonian), also focusing on plant hummingbird-interactions. During her PhD she studied plant-pollinator interactions in the “capões” (natural forested fragments) in South Pantanal. In 2013-2014 she spent a sabbatical period at Aarhus University (Denmark), working in collaboration with Dr. Jens-Christian Svenning.
Currently, her main research interests are 1) to understand the spatial and temporal determinants on the structure of plant-pollinator and plant-seed dispersal networks and 2) to understand how the structure of these networks and the functional diversity of component species are affected by urbanization.
PhD candidates
Jeane Passos
Vivian Akemi Nakamura
Vivian is interested in understanding how fire regimes affect the structure of plant-pollinator networks in capões (natural forested fragments) from south pantanal. For this purpose she is studying these interactions on capões subjected to fires in recent, intermediate and long periods of time.
Maiara Vissoto
Maiara is studying the effects of urbanization on the mutualistic interactions between plants and frugivorous birds. She is specifically interested in how the number of partners, the structure of the network, the specialization as well as the functional and phylogenetic diversity respond to different urbanized landscapes.
Jeane aims to understand how the interaction networks among plants and bees in the Americas are structured, evaluating how latitude, contemporary and historical climate affect the architecture of these interactions.
MSc candidates
Carla Damaris Lacerda
Carla is interested in understanding how fruits nutrients can affect their use by frugivorous birds occurring in natural fragments and city squares in an urban area. She will evaluate how the nutritional containts of fruits vary across areas and throughout the year, also investigating how bird species with different centralities in the plant-frugivore network select these fruits.
Undergraduate students
Gabriel Aristimunho
Gabriel is studying the population structure of the invasive species Leucaena leucocephala (Fabaceae), in a urban Cerrado remnant, aiming to investigate its inhibitory potential on seedlings of native species (PIBIC/UFMS)
Gabriella Lemos
Gabriella is preparing a pollen guide of plant species visited by bees in natural forest fragments ("capões") in southern Pantanal. She is also evaluating the role performed by Apis mellifera on the pollination of plant species in capões subjected to different fire regimes (PIBIC/CNPq)
Giovanna Kethelyn Baeta
Giovanna is studying the pollination of "guavira", a native species from the Cerrado in an urban Preserve. She is evaluating species phenology, flower visitors and pollen flow (PIBIC/CNPq)
Lua Bianca Alves
Lua is evaluating how the richness and the similarity of bee species occurring in natural forest fragments ("capões") are affected by different fire regimes in southern Pantanal (PIBIC/Fundect)
Former PhD students
Karine Munck Vieira
Thesis: Efeitos da paisagem sobre as interações e a diversidade funcional de plantas e polinizadores em fragmentos urbanos de Cerrado. Concluded
Current position:
Michele Soares de Lima
Thesis: Flora, reproductive phenology and plant-butterfly interaction network on the western edge of southern Pantanal. Concluded: June 2020
Current position: Professor at IFMS - Corumbá - MS
Camila Silveira de Souza
Thesis: Plant-pollinator interactions networks in seasonal ecosystems in Central Brazil. Concluded: June 2018
Current position: Post doc fellow at UEMC
Vanessa Gabrielle Nobrega Gomes
Thesis: Reproductive ecology of cacti species from the Brazilian Chaco. Concluded: December 2017
Current position: CNPq Institutional Training Program of the National Institute of Semiarid
Claudenice Faxina Zucca
Thesis: Community of birds and their mutualistic interactions with plants in forest fragments at Serra da Bodoquena. Concluded: June 2017
Current position: Group of studies in Biodiversity Protection
Rogério Rodrigues Faria
Thesis: Flowering phenology, reproductive system and pollination eficciency in the dystilous Psychotria carthagenensis Jacq. (Rubiaceae) in Cerrado. Concluded: 2011
Current position: Professor at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul/CPAQ
Former MSc students
Karina Paulinelli
Thesis: Efeitos da paisagem sobre a estrutura da vegetação em remanescentes no município de Campo Grande, Mato grosso do Sul. Concluded: July 2021
Current position: PhD candidate at PPGBV-ICB-UFMG
Nathalia Rocha
Thesis: Estrutura da rede de interações abelhas-flores no pantanal da Serra do Amolar. Concluded: February 2021.
Current position: consultor at FIBRACON
Thesis: Hummingbirds and their floral resources in the urban area of Campo Grande, Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: February 2020
Current position: PhD candidate at PPGEC- UFMS
Vivian Akemi Nakamura
Paula Thais A. Ojeda
Thesis: Reproductive phenology and operational sex ratio of Cecropia pachystachyaTréculin urban remnants of Cerrado. Concluded: February 2019
Current position: Field guide in Buraco das Araras
Karen Cristine B.S. Santos
Thesis: Interference of heterospecific aggregation and pollinator efficiency on the reproductive success of two plant species in Pantanal. Concluded: March 2019
Current position: PhD fellow at University of New England - Australia
Guilherme Dalponti
Thesis: Effects of forest fragmentation on bird communities at Bodoquena plateau, Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: March 2015
Current position: Environmental Consultant at Fundação Neotropica do Brasil
Tiana Mara Custódio
Thesis: Reproductive ecology, breeding system and ambophily in Triplaris gardneriana (Polygonaceae) in the Brazilian Chaco. Concluded: February 2014
Current position: PhD fellow at University of Montreal - Canadá
Paulo Alexandre Bogiani
Thesis: Plant-hummingbird interaction networks in Pantanal. Concluded: October 2012
Waldemar Guimaraes Barbosa-Junior
Thesis: Plant pollinator interaction networks in two Cerrado phytophysiognomies at Maracaju plateau, Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: March 2012
Gabriel Ghizzi Pedra
Thesis: Niche variation of fig species and the importance of dispersers and hosts in maintaining Ficus obtusifolia populations in the “capões” of southern Pantanal. Concluded: March 2012
Current position: PhD candidate at University of Liverpool - UK
Eder Afonso Doná
Thesis: Communities of hummingbirds and ornithophilous species at Maracaju plateau, Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: March 2011
Current position: Technician at Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul
Fabiane Fileto Dias
Thesis: Pollination of four ornithophilous species of Rubiaceae at Maracaju plateau. Concluded: March 2011
Current position: National Center of Research and Conservation of wild birds/Chico Mendes Institute of Biodiversity Conservation - CEMAVE/ICMBio
Camila Vidotto Franco
Thesis: Seed rain dispersed by birds and bats in the “capões” of Pantanal, Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: November 2010
Current position: Teacher at São Paulo State Department of Education
Elaine Cristina T. Pinto
Thesis: Population structure of three plant species in “cordilheiras”with and without cattle in the Nhecolândia subregion, southern Pantanal. Concluded: November 2009
Current position: Researcher at Ecoamos
Samuel Vieira Boff
Thesis: Flora of the “capões” and their Hymenoptera (bees and wasps) flower-visitors in Pantanal. Concluded: 2008
Current position: Post doc Fellow at Università degli Studi di Milano- Italy
Rogério Rodrigues Faria
Thesis: Flowering phenology and pollination of ornithophilous species in Bodoquena plateau, Brazil. Concluded: 2007
Current position: Professor at Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul/CPAQ
Sergianne Frison
Thesis: Diversity of tree species in the “capões” of south Pantanal: relationships with fragment area and isolation. Concluded: 2007
Current position: Professor at FACOL
Raquel Oliveira Bueno
Thesis: Nectar Secretion and Bats Activity in Hymenaea stigonocarpa at Pantanal and in an urban remnant of Cerrado. Concluded: 2006
Current position: Professor at Federal Technological University of Paraná
Dirce C. Camilotti
Thesis: Analysis of arboreal vegetation in a cerradão remnant in Bandeirantes, Brazil. Concluded: 2006
Current position: Department of Education of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul
Licléia da Cruz Rodrigues
Thesis: Flowers visited by hummingbirds in an urban forest fragment, Campo Grande, MS. Concluded: 2005
Patrícia A. A. Cara
Thesis: Effects of flower supply and nectar production on the frequency of hummingbird visits to Helicteres guazumaefolia H.B.K. (Sterculiaceae) in Mato Grosso do Sul. Concluded: 2002
Current position: Professor at Southwest Bahia State University